#Windows Defender

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Dark Reading
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Exploit for Critical Windows Defender Bypass Goes Public

A proof-of-concept exploit (PoC) is available for a critical zero-day vulnerability in Windows SmartScreen.
The exploit allows attackers to bypass Windows Defender SmartScreen checks.
Organizations need to address the vulnerability and apply the patch if they haven't already. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Exploit for Critical Windows Defender Bypass Goes Public

A proof-of-concept exploit (PoC) is available for a critical zero-day vulnerability in Windows SmartScreen.
The exploit allows attackers to bypass Windows Defender SmartScreen checks.
Organizations need to address the vulnerability and apply the patch if they haven't already. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Exploit for Critical Windows Defender Bypass Goes Public

A proof-of-concept exploit (PoC) is available for a critical zero-day vulnerability in Windows SmartScreen.
The exploit allows attackers to bypass Windows Defender SmartScreen checks.
Organizations need to address the vulnerability and apply the patch if they haven't already. [ more ]
Dark Reading
7 months ago
Privacy professionals

Exploit for Critical Windows Defender Bypass Goes Public

A proof-of-concept exploit (PoC) is available for a critical zero-day vulnerability in Windows SmartScreen.
The exploit allows attackers to bypass Windows Defender SmartScreen checks.
Organizations need to address the vulnerability and apply the patch if they haven't already. [ more ]
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